dog training & workshops

The top 10 reasons why you should work hard at training your puppy!
Build a Positive Relationship with your pup
Teach them life skills
Increase their Sociability
Decrease or Eliminate Problem Behaviours
Build Loyalty and Companionship
Strengthen your bond with your Puppy
Provides enrichment and stimulates your puppies brains
Builds confidence in shy or fearful puppies
Enhances Safety and can even save your dog's life!
And last and most important create less work for you in the long run

Moto's Kinder K9
For Puppies 8 weeks - 12 weeks old
Moto’s Kinder-K9 is a 4 week, combined private and group program designed for committed dog owners who want to have well behaved and responsive companions. We want your puppy to succeed from the time they move home with you. We can start this training as early as 8 weeks old.
4 x 30 min Skills to Success weekly private sessions at the Moto-Vated Dog Training Centre in Duncan so you can gain confidence while having fun learning how to communicate effectively with your brand new Puppy!
4 x 2.5 hour Moto’s Puppy PlayTime . is a program that is held every Sunday at 12:30 till 2:30. You will drop your puppy off for their 2.0-hour playtime – early socialization is so important in their early stages and helps greatly in their social skill, meeting other dogs, and obviously builds confidence. they will also learn skills like bite inhibition and proper play etiquette. ($100.00 Value)
What we will be working on!
Find It
Crate Games
It’s your choice
Puppy biting
Plus, your workbook has so much information regarding:
Potty training
Feeding schedules
Night Time bed routines

The Right Start Puppy program
Group Class
12 week to 5 months old puppies.
This is a 5 week, group program designed for committed dog owners who want to have well-behaved and responsive companions. This course will teach you and your dog the foundational training you will need to get you on your way to an amazing dog!
What this course includes;
Meet the Trainer – Complimentary 15 min meet and greet phone call. Prior to making a commitment to the course, I offer this time so you can get to know me better and make sure I am the trainer for you. During this call, we will get crystal clear on where you are and where you want to be.
5 x 60-minute weekly Skills to Success we will meet for Group Sessions at Moto-Vated Dog Training's Fully Fenced Training Area. These Group Classes will be spilt in 2 - 30 Minutes of Play time and 30 Minutes of Leashed Training
Skills we will be learning
Leave It, Hand Targets, Sit/Down/Sit/ Stand,
Place/Stay Command, Door Dashing
Loose Leash Walking/ Heel / Long Line practice
Emergency STOP/ Middle Command
Stay Moto-vated Workbook – A complete book with a descriptive outline on how to do all your skills, so you can continue your success and practice between sessions.
20' Long Line - to keep your puppy close and practice training in unfenced areas.
Max 5 Puppies per class...Starting Saturday June 15 2024 in Wheatley River, PEI
Please contact us for further information!

Teen training Puppy program
6 months to 1-year-old Puppies
In this 5-week Puppy Program we are adding on to the foundational training you learned in Level 1, we need to add on more layers to their training; adding bigger distractions, more skills and distance training, faster recalls, excellent leash walking skills, and more!
Not only that, as your puppy has grown older they may have developed some bad behaviors or something else might have crept in that you are struggling to deal with we will be working on any new or old issues you haven’t been able to cure.
What this course includes;
5 x 45 min Skills to Success we will meet for private sessions at the training centre so you can gain confidence while having fun learning how to communicate effectively with your best friend.
5 x 60 min Safe and Successful Socialization group classes so you can play some games and learn to work with distractions. You will be going over the skills you have learned throughout your private sessions, in front of other puppies. The Sessions are held at our training center on Polkey Rd.
1 x 30 min Graduation Exam- We will be going to a public area so you can show off your skills, earn your graduation certificate, and a small photo shoot with your proud pup!
Stay Moto-Vated Workbook A complete book with a descriptive outline on how to do all your skills, so you can continue your success and practice between sessions.
Please contact us for further information

Don't be a MOTO! Moto's Obedience program
I named this program "Don't be a Moto" because if you had met Moto when he was young (prior to me becoming a dog trainer) you would have been shocked!
Don't get me wrong- he has always been friendly, and smart but his skills lacked big time. I didn't have the knowledge or skills to get him to be obedient at all. Zero recall, Counter Surfing, Chewing apart everything and anything, Separation Anxiety, you name it I probably experienced it.
For example (funny story) we once were walking in a park where there was a baseball game. I walked well past the diamonds and when I got back to the deserted trail, I let Moto off-leash- well what did he do?
Took off back to the ball diamonds ran out to 2nd base and proceeded to do a number 2 on the base. Game had to stop, I had to gather myself and Bear up, catch Moto as he ran around to all the players looking for pets and food, get him leashed up and then go collect his deposit on 2nd base.
Do you have a Moto in your life? Is your dog a challenge and don't know how to train them? The Moto's Obedience Course may be for you.
What this course includes;
90 min Assesment: During this meeting, we will get crystal clear on where you are and where you want to be. We will look at any obstacles that may get in your way and I will give you my best recommendations for where to start with your training.
1 x 60 min weekly Skills to Success (Number of sessions varies depending on what the dog needs) we will meet for private sessions at the training centre so you can gain confidence while having fun learning how to communicate effectively with your best friend.
Stay Moto-vated Workbook – A complete book with a descriptive outline on how to do all your skills, so you can continue your success and practise between sessions.
Ask The Trainer Unlimited email access to ask questions during the program
20' Long Line - to keep your puppy close and practice training in unfenced areas.
*Remember this course is completely adaptable to your dog's needs and skill levels, we will be working on Foundational Skills, but I will also help out with whatever issues you are experiencing. This is NOT a cookie-cutter course where you will learn only 6 skills and call it a day – we will be training you for real-world experiences and real-world environments!
Please contact us for further information! Pricing will vary depending on how much training is needed.

reverse the Reactive Dogs
Is your dog reactive on the leash?
Does your dog appear to be fearful and shy with dogs and/or people?
Does it pull, yank, bark, snap, and snarl at other dogs as you walk by?
Are you afraid of meeting other dogs/people on the trail?
Do you avoid and walk at odd hours to avoid contact?
I can help you by building confidence and have the skills to redirect and engage with your dog so you both can get past the problems you are facing.
Teaching - Transformation - Togetherness for your reactive dog, designed for committed dog owners who want to have well-behaved and responsive companions.
To begin training we will always start with an assessment of your dog. The assessment is typically an hour long during which time I would be able to get an idea of what's going on and the issues you are experiencing and basically where to start with your training.

Fun and Focused Leash Walking Workshop.
Stay tuned for future dates
This is a 1.5-hour workshop covering the fundamentals of the 4 most common problems that even smart dog owners encounter, keeping them exhausted, frustrated and too embarrassed to walk their dogs.
Are you experiencing these common problems?
Being pulled into the dog park, stores, daycare, the car, out the door
Personal injuries caused by the strain and stress of constant pulling
Feeling embarrassed and frustrated when out walking, yelling at your dog to “slow down,” “wait,” and “STOP PULLING”
Spending hundreds of dollars on harnesses and collars, with little or no difference in slowing down your dog
Your dog ignoring you completely
I used to experience all of these issues and problems, and now want you to benefit from the information I have. In this workshop, I will be explaining, demonstrating and guiding you along a journey to Fun and Focused Loose-Leash Walking.
We will explore:
Engagement – What is engagement, and how to get your dog to pay attention to you.
Training Techniques that will have your dog mastering the loose leash.
Equipment – What type of equipment to use and how to make sure it fits.
High Value Treats – When and how to use treats to get the results you need to build a better relationship with your dog.
I hope you see you all there to learn how to have engaging FUN walks with your dog!
Class size is limited to 6 so contact me to book.

"Moto COME!!! pleeeease" 3-Hour over 3 days
Recall Workshop
June 8, 2024 in Wheatley River
Find yourself yelling out to the stranger on the trail “he’s friendly” because you know your dog isn’t going to COME if you do call him?
Worry that your dog will get injured, run away, irritate other dog owners, or get into mischief?
Feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or worried when your dog doesn't listen to you?
“he’s friendly!!!!!!”
This 3-hour fun, interactive workshop will help you build your leadership skills so that you can happily walk with your dog off leash and have a reliable recall.
Learn the Very Best Game Based Training Techniques to Get your Dog to Come - So you can enjoy a relaxed off-leash walk and know your dog will come to you with any distractions they may face.
Practice using simple techniques to strengthen communication, create a drive-to-you while building a strong relationship with your dog
Teach your dog to pay attention to you instead of everything else that is going around them.
In this workshop you will:
Learn the best training techniques and commands to reduce the many distractions the world can produce.
Practice fun engagement games in a safe environment that will keep your dog focused on you!
Get clarity on :
the do’s and don'ts of recall
the best equipment to use
and learn the importance of PRACTICE!
Day 1 June 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm
Building foundations, focus and skills
Basic use of the long line
Day 2 June 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm
Introductions to games to build focus and Drive to YOU!
Hide and Seek
Restraint Recall
Creating a bond
Day 3 June 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm
Distraction training
Working a Whistle!
Practicing calling off food, toys, and dogs (f ready)
Detailed workbook to take home with you so you have a handy quick reference to refer to while you are practicing your new skills.
20” long line so you can practice your skills in open areas without the fear of losing your dog.
The investment of $199 plus HST for this workshop
Dogs with reactivity issues will not be able to participate this workshop due to safety reasons. Please advise when registering if you believe there could be any issues with your dog.
Dogs must remain on leash throughout the course for safety reasons
Workshop must be paid in full by June 8, 2024- once committed I will send you an invoice which can be paid by Credit Card or E-Transfer
Course will be running rain or shine so come prepared for the weather.
Maximum of 6 dogs in course and a Minimum 2 people to run the course
Things to bring:
Short leash
Dog Dish
A toy that your dog is excited about and can tug with
Treats – 2 different treats high value and a lower value treat.
Course will be held at 734 Stead Rd.
Area is fully fence